News - tagged as "arquillian"

Arquillian container Weld 2.0.0.Beta1 released!

2016-7-21   arquillian , testing   Tomas Remes

We are pleased to announce a release of embedded Arquillian container adapter for Weld. This container has deserved some love for really long time. We tried to refactor it and introduced new master branch which now corresponds to the 2.0.0.x version stream. The original master was branched in 1.0. There is no more any arquillian-weld-ee-embedded-1.1 or arquillian-weld-se-embedded. It’s squashed to one arquillian-weld-embedded and you can configure environments either programmatically or using configuration properties. See link: This new version is going to be used in Weld as soon as possible.

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We would really appreciate if you can try it and let us know your experience!

Arquillian container SE 1.0.0.CR1 released!

2015-11-25   arquillian , testing   Tomas Remes

We are pleased to announce a new release of Arquillian container SE. If you are looking for a reliable way to test your application in Java SE then this is the right tool to try out!

This managed SE container launches new JVM process for each of your test archives. This standalone process with isolated classpath is also the main reason why we introduced such tool (and also the difference e.g to arquillian-weld-se-embedded).

You can manage your classpath dependencies by using ShrinkWrap resolver. Another option is to provide path to your directory containing your dependencies jars via container property. You can get ready your dependencies jars by using e.g Maven dependency plugin. Another options which you would expect as debugging, setting system properties or exporting deployment archive are also available. Test execution is managed by Arquillian JMX protocol.

Finally you can find some basic tests using Arquillian container SE in Weld SE tests or in CDI TCK. Feedback is more than welcomed and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

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