
Weld 3.1.4.Final

2020-3-28   release   Matej Novotny

New Weld version is here, say hello to Weld 3.1.4.Final. There are only few issues included in this release, so let’s take a look at them.

Fixes and improvements:

  • Weld Core

    • ObserverMethodConfigurator initialized by reading an AnnotatedType previously didn’t set the method as async when it should (WELD-2609)

    • Fixed observability of @Destroyed events for Conversation context when there are multiple WARs deployed (WELD-2610)

    • After a failed attempt to restore a conversation, Weld could omit firing @Initialized event; this is now working properly (WELD-2611)

    • Cleanup of stored conversations required unnecessarily many locks simultaneously which could lead to deadlock on some servers (WELD-2612)

    • Removed Unsafe usage as means of cracking open ClassLoader for proxy definition (WELD-2613)

      • This only helped to hide IllegalAccess warning on JDK 11 (which will now show again)

      • Starting with JDK 12 and newer, Unsafe doesn’t work at all making this solution obsolete

      • We’ve created (WELD-2619) in order to search for better solution that would work across all JDK versions

    • Using HttpSessionContext.destroy() could sometimes not destroy the instance if it wasn’t used in current request (WELD-2615)

    • Fix OSGi versions for EE dependencies (WELD-2616)

    • Properly close stream after reading (WELD-2606)

WildFly Patch

This time around, the patch for WildFly 19.0.0.Final is available.

If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.

Weld 3.1.3.Final

2019-11-28   release   Matej Novotny

Weld 3.1.3.Final arrives along with Weld API 3.1.SP2. This is a minor update which had a main goal of swapping whole Weld internals from Java EE 8 to Jakarta EE 8.

Fixes and improvements:

  • Weld API/SPI

    • API was transferred to Jakarta EE GAVs (WELD-2598)

  • Weld Core

    • Core and whole testing was transferred to Jakarta EE GAvs (WELD-2598)

    • Properties inside beans.xml now support spec-descriptor-property-replacement on WildFly (WELD-2600)

    • Rolling updates delimiter is now correctly ignored for external bean archives (WELD-2596)

    • Allow for private final method in intercepted beans, these methods are then ignored during interception but Weld no longer blows up (WELD-2595)

  • Weld Servlet

    • Adjust Jetty attributes accordingly to how they were renamed (WELD-2597)

  • Other

    • Fix several misplaced licenses that were causing confusion (WELD-2599)

WildFly Patch

This time around, the patch for WildFly 18.0.1.Final is available.

If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.

Weld 3.1.2.Final

2019-8-6   release   Matej Novotny

Weld 3.1.2.Final is coming along with Weld API 3.1.SP1. It is another small release bringing in mainly bugfixes. One notable thing is that thanks to guys from Jetty, Weld 3.1.2.Final is ready to operate with lastest Jetty 9 as well as upcoming Jetty 10. Other than that we have tried to address some dodgy issues with possible race conditions and leaks - see for yourself!

Fixes and improvements:

  • Weld API/SPI

    • Fixed possible leak in Jandex index through SimpleServiceRegistry (WELD-2592)

      • This could only happen on application server supporting Jandex index and was only noticeable with a lot of application deployed at the same time

  • Weld Core

    • Fixed a case where some context event notification wouldn’t trigger observers due to race condition (WELD-2557)

    • Fixed rare IllegalAccessError problem during interception when methods had (package) private parameters from different methods (WELD-2583)

      • Such methods are now automatically ignored when creating intercepted subclasses

    • Attempted to fix a race condition that could happen when trying to concurrently initiate conversation ID generator (WELD-2585)

    • Weld now correctly disregards synthetic methods when considering proxyability (WELD-2586)

    • Correction to beans.xml parses when using Weld namespace (WELD-2591)

  • Weld SE

    • Improved classpath scanning to account for manifest file entries (WELD-2589)

    • javax.enterprise.inject.scan.implicit=true and now work together correctly (WELD-2590)

  • Weld Servlet

    • Update Weld to new Jetty integration model prior to Jetty release (WELD-2587)

      • Weld 3.1.2.Final is ready to roll with to-be-released Jetty 9.4.x as well as Jetty 10.x

      • Of course we also kept legacy support in place, so even older version will still run

WildFly Patch

This time around, the patch for WildFly 17.0.1.Final is available.

If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.

Weld 3.1.1.Final

2019-5-7   release   Matej Novotny

Weld 3.1.1.Final is out, it is a rather small nonetheless important maintenance release. There is bunch of fixes present here; notably one for context propagation API that could cause some headaches with context seemingly not propagating. Moving on, we also have some improvements to asynchronous events on default executors or ordering on ProcessAnnotatedType events.

Fixes and improvements:

  • Weld API/SPI

  • Weld Core

    • WeldAlterableContext#clearAndSet() was incorrectly leaving some caches behind (WELD-2566)

    • Fix serializability issue with intercepted session beans having private methods (WELD-2574)

    • Asynchronous event notification on default executor should preserve TCCL (WELD-2573)

    • Fix ordering of ProcessAnnotatedType events via @Priority (WELD-2568)

    • Small optimization for distributed environment when bean index is empty (WELD-2577)

    • Custom InjectionTarget now invokes any present dispose() (WELD-2580)

    • Align behaviour of self-invocation of otherwise intercepted method from within private final observer method (WELD-2571)

  • Weld SE

    • Allow to specify custom DiscoveryStrategy via service loader mechanism (WELD-2578)

  • Other

    • Update tooling around documentation builds (WELD-2564)

    • Update JBoss classfilewriter to newer version working on JDK 12 (WELD-2572)

    • Fix Probe functional tests on latest Firefox (WELD-2579)

WildFly Patch

This time around, the patch for WildFly 16.0.0.Final is available.

If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.

Weld 3.1.0.Final

2019-2-6   release   Matej Novotny

Weld 3.1.0.Final and Weld API 3.1.Final are now up for grabs. What’s in it for you?

There are quite a few new things in the mix - InterceptionFactory improvements, new API clases and methods, improvements to class defining for integrators in preparation for JDK 12. We now also support CDI context propagation between threads; there is a whole new SPI that allows users and/or frameworks to propagate request, session or conversation contexts. Last but no least, there are bug fixes, so let’s get right into it!

Integrators (WildFly, Liberty, GlassFish, …​) will have to adjust to the changes made in SPI. Those are, most notably, the removal of long deprecated methods (WELD-2558) and reworked ProxyServices which now delegate class defining responsibility to the integrator (WELD-2556). This is crucial for Weld to operate on newer JDKs (12) and while Weld will work with the old approach for now, we will eventually fully swap to this new SPI.

Fixes and improvements:

  • Weld API/SPI

    • Added API to allow for CDI context propagation between threads (WELD-2497)

      • New API class was introduced (WeldAlterableContext), this class offers methods to manipulate context state

      • You can now propagate Request, Session and Conversation contexts between threads as they all implement WeldAlterableContext

      • This comes with certain limitations and is mostly designed for frameworks which would do this for you (such as MicroProfile Concurrency) but anyone can use it

      • For more information, please glance at this part of Weld documentation

    • WeldManager, providing extra methods over what BeanManager offers, is now an injectable bean (WELD-2538)

    • WeldManager now offers new util methods allowing you to easily grab active contexts

      • This is mainly for the purpose of context propagation as it also allows you to grab all active contexts that support it

    • WeldManager can now be used to check if any given context is active without having to care about exceptions (WELD-2537)

    • Added new SPI for class defining, deprecated old approach in ProxyServices (WELD-2556)

      • Integrators will have to implement this new API to be able to operate on JDK 12+

      • Weld now delegates class defining to integrators in order to avoid having to crack open ClassLoader methods

      • Previously, integrators provided ClassLoader instance which Weld then used to invoke defineClass() methods

      • We now ask integrators to invoke those methods themselves while providing them with all the necessary bits for doing so

    • Remove deprecated parts of API/SPI (WELD-2558)

      • Lots of unused and long deprecated methods were removed, should have no effect on code as those weren’t used anyway (most of them since Weld 3.0.0)

  • Weld Core

    • Weld will now log a WARNING if you try to register an invalid qualifier (WELD-2522)

    • You can now use InterceptionFactory with an interface as a parameter (WELD-2550, WELD-2533)

      • This means the proxy class will be based off an interface which is by definition always proxyable

      • You can therefore even supply an unproxyable implementation and it will still work

      • Note that this is experimental feature with some limitations to it, see Weld docs for more details

    • Correct atomic behaviour in RequestContextController (WELD-2536)

    • Fix rare race condition in ConcurrentValidator (WELD-2545)

    • Small correction to interceptor resolution when they have no bindings (WELD-2521)

    • Enforce consistent behaviour between AnnotatedType and WithAnnotations in regards to default methods (WELD-2551)

    • All proxy-specific methods added by Weld now have more complex names to avoid (very rare) method clashes (WELD-2508)

    • Lower logging level of InterceptorLogger.unableToDetermineInterceptedBean() from WARN to INFO (WELD-2546)

  • Weld SE

    • You can now extend the set of bean defining annotations in Weld SE (WELD-2523)

      • This is handy for when you have discovery on and want custom beans automatically picked up while still avoiding the all discovery mode

    • Fix bug in handling JAR dependencies added onto classpath where you could accidentally add more packages than desired (WELD-2535)

    • Correct ALLOW_OPTIMIZED_CLEANUP configuration key value (WELD-2547)

    • When running with SecurityManager enabled, Weld will now refuse to use ForkJoinPool for startup and will pick different pool instead (WELD-2517)

  • Probe development tool

    • Make sure ProbeExtension has priority over any other existing extensions (WELD-2524)

  • Other

    • Stabilize testsuite and make sure dependencies are EE 8 based (WELD-2519, WELD-2553)

    • Documentation has been updated to reflects EE 8 versions of servers (WELD-2529)

    • Documented all changes coming to Weld API in 3.1 update (WELD-2540)

    • Re-enable SpotBugs code quality checking on JDK 11+ (WELD-2544)

    • Upgraded WildFly Arquillian adapter to 2.1.1.Final (WELD-2543)

    • Revisit testing on Jetty (WELD-2528)

    • We are now regularly testing with JDK 11 and looking into JDK 12 testing

WildFly Patch

This time around, the patch for WildFly 15.0.1.Final is available.

If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.