News - tagged as "release"

Weld 2.4.4.Final

2017-6-14   release   Matej Novotny

We have been busy chasing down some annoying little bugs and it’s high time you got the fruits of those efforts into your hands. Say hello to Weld 2.4.4.Final.

Notable fixes and improvements:

  • Weld Core

    • Fixed bean discovery event ordering when processing producers (WELD-2393)

    • Eliminated an NPE for a corner case with abstract decorator (WELD-2273)

    • Corrected @Initialized(RequestScoped.class) event firing in @PostConstruct callbacks (WELD-2372)

    • Fixed BeanManager.isStereotype() behavior when checking a qualifier annotated with yet another qualifier (WELD-2390)

  • Weld SE

    • Added a convenience static method WeldContainer.current(), a shortcut for CDI.current() with no need to cast the result (WELD-2399)

    • Allowed to specify bean discovery mode for synthetic archives (WELD-2386)

    • Fixed bean class discovery problem when adding whole packages (WELD-2395)

  • Weld Servlet

    • Improved logging and make checks more lenient in case the container is not yet bootstrapped (WELD-2382)

  • Configuration options

    • In SE and Servlet environments, Jandex can now be forcibly prohibited from processing your archives. This is useful when a third-party dependecy brings in some unsupported Jandex version (WELD-2374)

  • Development tools

    • If a deployment validation fails and the development mode is enabled, a simple validation HTML report (which contains a lot of useful information) is generated

      • Users are encouraged to always attach this report when asking a question on the mailing list or any other communication channel

WildFly Patch

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. Target platform is WildFly 10.1.0.Final. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.

Weld 3.0.0.Final - the first implementation of CDI 2.0!

2017-5-15   release   Martin Kouba

I am very pleased to announce the release of Weld 3.0.0.Final - the first implementation of CDI 2.0! I would like to thank not only to everyone involved in this particular release but also to the Weld community as a whole and also to all active CDI EG members who invested a lot of energy into the specification process!

[ source, java ]

     * TODO: Continue to deliver bugfixes and improvements
    public class WeldTeam extends OpenSourceCommunity {
      Event<String> event;
      public void release() {
        // Fire asynchronously so that we don't need to wait for observer notification before we start celebrating!
        event.fireAsync("CDI 1.2 is dead, long live CDI 2.0!");
Weld 3 is an IMPORTANT MILESTONE. Therefore, we’re preparing a special blogpost summarizing all the important stuff that was added. Expect the Tour around Weld 3 blogpost within a few days.

Let’s sum up the notable changes since 3.0.0.CR2:

  • Weld defines two non-portable notification options to configure the notification of asynchronous observer methods (see also Notification options for more info):

    • weld.async.notification.mode - the notification mode, possible values are: SERIAL (default) and PARALLEL

    • weld.async.notification.timeout - the notification timeout (in milliseconds) after which the returned completion stage must be completed.

      • If the time expires the stage is completed exceptionally with a CompletionException holding the java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException as its cause

      • The expiration does not abort the notification of the observers

  • Session replication - handle situation when HTTPSessionBean might not be serializable (WELD-2346)

  • Fire @Initialied(RequestScoped.class)/@Destroyed(RequestScoped.class) events for a @PostConstruct callback if the request context was activated for the specific callback

  • Weld SE

    • It’s possible to easily register a org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.api.Service during container bootstrap (WELD-2360)

    • Any javax.enterprise.inject.spi.CDI method can now be called during AfterDeploymentValidation (WELD-2371)

    • ContainerInitialized and ContainerShutdown now implement toString() (WELD-2354)

  • Weld Servlet

    • Fixed usage of Jandex on Tomcat when using unpackWars=false (WELD-2357)

  • Added option to disable Jandex in Weld SE and Weld Servlet (WELD-2374)

  • Development tools

    • If a deployment validation fails and the development mode is enabled a simple validation HTML report (which contains a lot of useful information) is generated

      • Users are encouraged to always attach this report when asking a question on the mailing list or any other communication channel

  • Updated documentation and migration notes for integrators

  • Examples cleanup (dropped GAE support, etc.)

WildFly Patch

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. This time the target platforms are WildFly 10.1.0.Final and WildFly 11.0.0.Alpha1. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.

Weld 2.4.3.Final

2017-4-7   release   Matej Novotny

Even as we get ever closer to CDI 2.0 final version, we shan’t forget about our stable 2.4 branch. Ladies and gentlemen, here comes the next-in-line 2.4 release - Weld 2.4.3.Final!

Notable fixes and improvements:

  • Weld now shares proxy classes for built-in beans of the same type (WELD-2344)

  • Fixed usage of Jandex on Tomcat when using unpackWars=false (WELD-2357)

  • Weld now supports wider variety of non-portable extension observer methods (WELD-2338)

  • There is now new debug level logging during bootstrap which allows to monitor name, start, end and duration of all bootstrap phases (WELD-2336)

  • Session replication

    • Built-in session and conversation scoped beans are not part of the bean identifier index anymore (WELD-2343)

    • Handle situation when HTTPSessionBean might not be serializable (WELD-2346)

  • Weld SE

    • You can now easily register new org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.api.Service during container bootstrap (WELD-2360)

    • Any javax.enterprise.inject.spi.CDI method can now be called during AfterDeploymentValidation (WELD-2371)

    • ContainerInitialized event is now correctly fired after registration of shutdown hook (WELD-2340)

    • ContainerInitialized and ContainerShutdown now implement toString() (WELD-2354)

  • Probe development tool

    • Allow monitoring of bean instance creation using AroundConstruct (WELD-2332)

    • Fixed a situation when bean was wrongly marked as unused when injected as parameter (WELD-2342)

See also the release details. Thanks to everyone involved in this release!

WildFly Patch

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. This time the target platform is WildFly 10.1.0.Final. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.

Weld 3.0.0.CR2

2017-3-3   release   Martin Kouba

I am very pleased to announce the release of Weld 3.0.0.CR2 (CDI 2.0-PFD). The intention is to provide the latest updates so that early adopters and reviewers can work with up-to-date reference implementation during the JCP review process.

Notable fixes and improvements:

  • InterceptionFactory handles interface correctly (WELD-2335)

  • Enable to obtain InjectionPoint metadata from within BeanConfigurator#produceWith() (WELD-2333)

  • ObserverMethodConfigurator.beanClass() should be preset to the extension class (WELD-2324)

  • Performance improvements in javax.enterprise.inject.Instance implementation (WELD-2322 and WELD-2323)

  • Don’t include built-in session and conversation scoped beans in the bean identifier index (WELD-2343)

  • Support InjectionPoint metadata injected into dependent singleton session bean (WELD-2341)

  • Logging

    • Log DEBUG info about important phases during bootstrap (WELD-2336)

    • Fix the error message when an extension observer method is static (WELD-2331)

    • Improved transactional observer methods logging in case of failure (WELD-2330)

  • Weld SE - ContainerInitialized should be fired after the container is initialized and shutdown hook is registered (WELD-2340)

  • Probe development tool

    • Extended bean archive info

    • Monitor bean instance creation

    • Do not mark a bean as unused if only injected into an observer method or disposer method

    • org.jboss.weld.probe package is vetoed

See also the release details. Thanks to everyone involved in this release!

WildFly Patch

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. This time the target platform is WildFly 10.1.0.Final. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.

Weld 2.4.2.Final

2017-2-2   release   Martin Kouba

As you may know, CDI 2 (JSR 365) is in Public Review phase. That’s great news for early adopters. But for now, I am very pleased to announce another production-ready version of Weld 2.4 (CDI 1.2). See also the release details. Thanks to everyone involved in this release!

There is a regression in Weld 2.4.2.Final. The problem only occurs if a Security Manager is used. However, users are encouraged to upgrade to 2.4.2.SP1 which contains a fix for the issue.

Notable fixes and improvements:

  • Added trimmed bean archives support (CDI 2.0, WELD-2314)

  • Fixed Weld SE and Weld Servlet cooperation (WELD-2260 and WELD-2262)

  • Fixed ActivateRequestContextInterceptor - align the priority with CDI 2.0, fire @Initialized and @Destroyed events (CDI 2.0, WELD-2281)

  • Fixed JDK9 build problems (WELD-2303 and WELD-2301)

  • Validation - allow to use CDI 2 rules when validating selected alternatives in bean.xml (WELD-2313)

  • Performance improvements in javax.enterprise.inject.Instance implementation (CDI 2.0, WELD-2323)

  • Illegal bean types ignored for a session bean (WELD-2315)

  • Dependency upgrade - jboss-classfilewriter to 1.2.1.Final (enables interception of default methods, see also WELD-2093)

  • Weld SE - addded useful methods from SeContainerInitializer (CDI 2.0, WELD-2316)

  • Probe development tool - extended bean archive info

WildFly Patch

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. This time the target platform is WildFly 10.1.0.Final. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.

Weld 3.0.0.CR1

2017-1-23   release   Martin Kouba

I am very pleased to announce the release of Weld 3.0.0.CR1 (aligned with CDI 2.0-PFD). See also the release details. Thanks to everyone involved in this release! This version of Weld will be part of the JSR 365 Approval Ballot (watch CDI spec website for news). The Beta1 version of Weld 3 turned out to be sufficiently stable and so the first release candidate is mostly dedicated to cleanup and minor optimizations. We would like to release Weld 3.0.0.Final (stable version of CDI 2.0) in early February.

WildFly Patch

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. This time the target platform is WildFly 10.1.0.Final. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check the FAQ.

Weld 3.0.0.Beta1

2016-12-19   release   Martin Kouba

I am very pleased to announce the first Beta version of Weld 3.0.0 (CDI 2.0). See also the release details. Thanks to everyone involved in this release!

This is an important milestone. CDI 2.0 is now considered "feature complete" and so the next Weld 3 versions should be mostly dedicated to cleanup and optimization. The next version will be Weld 3.0.0.CR1 (ETA in mid January). Finally, we would like to release Weld 3.0.0.Final in early February.

New and noteworthy

  • javax.enterprise.inject.spi.InterceptionFactory implementation (WELD-2257)

  • ProcessSyntheticObserverMethod container lifecycle event (WELD-2279)

  • BeforeDestroyed event fired before a context is actually destroyed (WELD-2269)

  • "trimmed" bean archives (WELD-2268)

  • context control - ActivateRequestContext interceptor binding (WELD-2267) and RequestContextController built-in bean (WELD-2266)

  • ProcessSyntheticBean container lifecycle event (WELD-2265)

  • few proposals did not make it into CDI 2.0 and so we enhanced the Weld API:

    • org.jboss.weld.inject.WeldInstance (already part of Weld 2.4 API)

    • org.jboss.weld.interceptor.WeldInvocationContext allows to obtain a set of interceptor bindings for a lifecycle callback, business method, timeout method, or constructor (see also CDI-468)

    • org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.event.WeldAfterBeanDiscovery allows to obtain an InterceptorConfigurator to configure a new Interceptor bean

WildFly Patch

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. This time the target platform is WildFly 10.1.0.Final. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check Markus’s tutorial.

Weld 2.4.1.Final

2016-11-18   release   Martin Kouba

The development of Weld 3 (CDI 2) is underway. However, we don’t forget about the maintenance of the stable branch of Weld! So I am very pleased to announce the first bugfix version of Weld 2.4 (CDI 1.2). See also the release details. Thanks to everyone involved in this release!

Notable fixes and improvements:

  • removed false positive warning about Jandex version used (WELD-2231)

  • fixed Groovy support - only filter out relevant methods from Groovy objects when generating bean proxies (WELD-2255)

  • optimized proxy class generation for "large classes" (WELD-2244)

  • improved the way Weld configuration info is logged (WELD-2238)

  • Weld SE

    • added support for nested directories in uber jars, e.g. Spring Boot jar (WELD-2254)

    • allow to use CDI.getBeanManager() after BeforeBeanDiscovery is fired (WELD-2256)

    • don’t abort container initialization if JandexClassFileServices is unable to load an annotation (WELD-2232)

  • Weld Servlet - document the usage of org.jboss.weld.environment.container.class init param (WELD-2236)

WildFly Patch

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. This time the target platform is WildFly 10.1.0.Final. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check Markus’s tutorial.

Weld 2.4.0.Final

2016-9-13   release   Martin Kouba

I am very pleased to announce the first stable version of Weld 2.4 (CDI 1.2). See also the release details. From now on, 2.4 is the current stable version of Weld and 2.3 is not actively developed anymore. Thanks to everyone involved in this release!

Most of the new features were already introduced in First release candidate of Weld 2.4. To sum it up:

  • Removed dependency on

  • Enhanced version of javax.enterprise.inject.Instance

  • Veto AnnotatedType not annotated with a bean defining annotation

  • @ActivateRequestScope interceptor binding moved to Weld API and renamed to @ActivateRequestContext

  • Improved rolling upgrades support

  • Events - reflect the output of CDI-494

  • Probe - allow to filter unused beans

  • Cleanup, cleanup, cleanup…​

  • Initial Java 9 support

Moreover, 2.4.0.Final allows to export the Probe development tool data (to be discussed in one of the following blog posts) and fixes a minor problem in non-EE environments (see also WELD-2227).

In the coming weeks, the Weld team is also going to publish "Weld tips" - a series of concise articles. The intention is to familiarize developers with less known Weld features. There will be no hot news, just useful existing features (repetition is the mother of wisdom ;-).

WildFly Patch

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. This time the target platform is WildFly 10.1.0.Final. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check Markus’s tutorial.

First release candidate of Weld 2.4

2016-8-19   release   Martin Kouba

I am pleased to announce the first release candidate of Weld 2.4 (CDI 1.2). See also the release details. Thanks to everyone involved in this release!

Removed dependency on

Weld does not depend on anymore (actually, Weld 3 does not depend on guava since 3.0.0.Alpha2). This significantly reduces the footprint of both Weld SE and Weld Servlet. The dependency is also not bundled with shaded artifacts for Weld SE and Weld Servlet.

Enhanced version of javax.enterprise.inject.Instance

Weld now provides org.jboss.weld.inject.WeldInstance - an enhanced version of javax.enterprise.inject.Instance. There are three additional methods - getHandler(), handlers() and isResolvable(). A handler allows to inspect the metadata of the relevant bean and to destroy the underlying contextual instance. isResolvable() is just a convenient method - a replacement for !isUnsatisfied() && !isAmbiguous(). For more details see also the reference guide.

WeldInstance is automatically available in Weld SE and Weld Servlet where the Weld API is always on the class path. It is also available in Weld-powered EE containers. In this case, users would have to compile their application against the Weld API and exclude the Weld API artifact from the deployment (e.g. use provided scope in Maven).

This functionality is based on a new proposal for CDI-589.

Veto AnnotatedType not annotated with bean defining annotation

Sometimes it might be useful to process all types during bootstrap, i.e. fire/observe ProcessAnnotatedType event for each Java class discovered, but veto types which are not annotated with a bean defining annotation. The main reason is that not all classes that meet all of the necessary conditions are intended to become beans. And so vetoing such types helps to conserve memory used by the container. Note that if you use bean-discovey-mode=annotated (implicit bean archive) then no ProcessAnnotatedType will be fired for any such type because it’s not discovered at all. And there might be portable extensions which use ProcessAnnotatedType to extract some important information from classes which are not beans.

Therefore, Weld allows to use bean-discovey-mode=all (explicit bean archive) and veto types without a bean defining annotation whose AnnotatedType#getJavaClass().getName() matches a regular expression. In other words, a type is vetoed if its name matches a regular expression and at the same time is not annotated with a bean defining annotation. This functionality is implemented as a built-in portable extension processing all types from all bean archives (it was already doable using an extension but we believe it’s more convenient to have this functionality out of the box).

This is a workaround for problems of bean-discovey-mode=annotated mentioned in CDI-420.

@ActivateRequestScope moved to Weld API

This interceptor binding can be used to activate the request scope within a business method invocation. It was previously part of the Weld SE but we believe it might be useful in any environment. See also WELD-2150.

Improved rolling upgrades support

Lenny Primak (a Weld community member - thanks for the report again!) struggled with rolling upgrades on certain application servers (Payara, GlassFish). Therefore, a new configuration property was introduced. This property allows to specify a delimiter which is used to abbreviate a bean archive identifier (which is usually derived from the archive name) before used as a part of an identifier of an internal component (such as bean). See also the reference guide and WELD-2064.

Events - reflect the output of CDI-494

This change reflects the clarification around Event operations - "A wildcard type is not considered an unresolvable type variable". See also WELD-2137 and CDI-494. Simply said, the snippet below and similar ones should now work:

@Inject Event<List<?>> event;
    public void fireLists() {
      List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>();;
      List<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<>();;
    void observeAllLists(@Observes List<?> anyList) {
      // Will be notified

Probe - allow to filter unused beans

The Probe development tool now identifies beans which are most likely unused (a bean is considered unused if it has no direct dependents, does not declare any observer or producer methods, is not annotated with @Named and is not a built-in bean, extension, interceptor or decorator). This might be useful to identify types suitable for vetoing as mentioned in [_veto_code_annotatedtype_code_not_annotated_with_bean_defining_annotation].


Weld has underwent an internal cleanup. A lot of deprecated and unused classes were removed.

Initial Java 9 support

It’s now possible to build Weld with Java 9. Note that this does not mean that Weld is modularized in a Jigsaw way. It’s just the first step on a long road ;-).


Last but not least - a few bugs were killed. Weld SE - provided ClassLoader is also used to load extensions (WELD-2209). AnnotatedTypeValidator does consider extended interfaces (WELD-2221). Invocation of a JDK8 default method should be intercepted (this only works if using jboss-classfilewriter 1.2.0.Beta1+, WELD-2093).

WildFly Patch

As usual, a patch for WildFly is available. This time the target platform is WildFly 10.0.0.Final. If you’re not familiar with patching WildFly, check Markus’s tutorial.