An early Xmas present for CDI lovers is here - Final
release for Weld 4 is now available!
You can pick your Xmas jar-packaged present from Maven Central right away.
Since there were no new reported issues after integrating Weld 4.0.0.CR1
version into GlassFish and WildFly EE 9 preview, we have promoted Weld to Final
Latest core version is now 4.0.0.Final
and Weld API that ships with it is 4.0.Final
Functionally, Weld 3 and 4 remain identical and both are getting the same treatment and doses of bugfixes.
The main difference is that Weld 4 operates with EE 9, meaning it expects you to use it with CDI 3.0 along with the new jakarta
package names.
Given that most changes poured into this version were more about dependecy updates, structural changes etc., I won’t list them all here.
However, if you are still curious, you could take a peek at JIRA release page and browse various Weld 4 releases that we did over time.
What’s more important is that we are keen on hearing from you should you find any issues with this version.
Whether you are an integrator or user, we realize no project is ever bug-free and we want to smack those bugs!
So if you hit any problems that you think are bugs, let us know via one of the usual channels:
Last but not least, the Weld team wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
WildFly Patch
Sorry to disappoint, but we cannot provide a patch yet.
WildFly source code already contains the needed bits for EE 9 server variant, but there wasn’t a release yet.
Good news is, once there is a release, it will already contain Weld 4 Final!
From there on, we can then deliver patches as we used to.