Three new Weld releases

2014-1-14   Jozef Hartinger

This week we are releasing three new builds of Weld. Firstly, Weld 2.1.2.Final was released. This is a bug-fixing release with 11 issues resolved. Most notably:

  • The conversation context is now initialized lazily. This resolves the problem with custom character encoding that many of you run into. See the reference documentation for details.

  • Weld now runs fine on JDK8

  • Jetty 9.1 is now supported by weld-servlet

In addition, Weld 1.1.17.Final (CDI 1.0) was released with several bug fixes.

Last but not least, there was a memory leak identified in GlassFish caused partly by GlassFish and partly by Weld. GlassFish still uses Weld 2.0. Although we do not maintain the 2.0 branch any longer and advice everyone to upgrade to Weld 2.1, the memory leak may be a problem for GlassFish users that are not able to upgrade to Weld 2.1 themselves. Therefore, we decided to do one more 2.0 release where this problem is fixed so that GlassFish users stuck on Weld 2.0 have an easy fix. Enjoy Weld 2.0.5.Final!

Now, our focus shifts completely towards Weld 2.2 where performance optimization and lowering memory consumption are the main goals. Expect first Alpha of Weld 2.2 by the end of January.

If you are interested in Weld make sure you check our community page or the list of open issues awaiting contribution.